Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The War of Art

I’d like to write about something this evening, but I don’t know what. And now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I’ll write about writing – or rather, some professional opportunities I have to step into a writing and editing position.

I read an inspiring article that was itself inspired by the book The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. The book “aims to help readers ‘overcome Resistance’ so that they may achieve ‘the unlived life within.’ Whether one wishes to embark on a diet, a program of spiritual advancement or an entrepreneurial venture, it's most often resistance that blocks the way. To kick resistance, Pressfield stresses loving what one does, having patience and acting in the face of fear.”

And while I haven’t read the book, the article that expounded upon it caused me to foment upon what my life could look like if I started beating “Resistance” and began living for some of these dreams that I’ve had, nebulous and pie-in-the-sky though they seem to me.

I became especially aware of how I am allowing Resistance – and its companion, Fear – to chase me away from vocational opportunities that are presenting themselves. They are just opportunities; neither are a sure thing (far from it, actually), but I am well suited to seize them, if I would simply put forth the effort.

Being the overly (or at least particularly) introspective person that I am, thought processes like these lead me to ponder "why?" Why do I not simply go for it? What within me would rather sit back and be acted upon by the world, rather than be that catalyst that I’m waiting for?

I let Fear rule my life. But it’s high time that stops. After all, God does tell me to “[c]ast all [my] anxieties on him because he cares for [me]” (1 Peter 5:7, NIV).

So what would it look like for me to simply go for it? To grab the proverbial bull by the horns? I’m not sure, but I want to find out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Matthew,

I was doing my usual Sunday afternoon killing time activity of messing around on facebook when I decided to check out your blog. It was interesting because I am dealing with the same sort of stuff as far as the fear of the next step and having a lot of resistence. I started graduate school last week and to tell you the truth from the moment I stepped on the Wichita State campus I was resistent to the idea of it all. Meaning basically that I was having some major doubts about whether this is what I want to do or not. It is basically me having self doubts, not feeling like I am capable or smart enough to do it. Anyway I don't really have any great words of wisdom to impart on you, it was just nice to hear that someone else is going through a similar experience even though it sucks that we feel this way it is always good to know you are not alone.

Keep on Keeping on,
Laura Hartley